Monday, November 19, 2007

Visions of Stephanie Plum Dancing in My Head

This has been a VERY frustrating day. I am going a little nuts playing catch up and the fact that our server seems to be having huge problems is not helping any! My Internet access is very limited and intermitent.

I am supposed to go to class tonight but I do not see how I can possibly make it in time because it is a "field trip" and we are supposed to meet up in downtown Toronto just 45 minutes after I leave work. I have the feeling that this will be one field trip that I will be missing!

All I really want to do is go home and give my Stella Bella a nice walk, then curl up with her and my cat and a good book on the couch. I bought 11 on top, a Jenet Evonovich novel like a year ago now and have not even read it yet! It is at the top of my "unread books" pile and everytime I see it I think jealously back to a time when I had the time to sit down and read for pleasure. Not a business book, a financial management, or a marketing book, but just a nice, silly peice f fiction like the Stephanie Plum series.

Maybe tonight will be the night? Maaybe I will not even bother with trying to make it to class on time! I will just go straight home, take the dog for a walk, buy a cup of hot chocolate while I am at it and then curl up with a nice book! Do I dare?

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