Friday, September 14, 2007

Black Friday

Any one who has read any of my posts knows that I am carefully plotting my plan of attack this holiday season. Well today, I am adding a new element to my debt-free holiday strategy: black friday.

Black Friday, for my Canadian friends is the term given to the day after American Thanksgiving. It is equivalent to our Boxing Day in terms of shopping. In other words, Black Friday has just as many amazing deals as our Boxing Day, but with the convenience of it not taking place on the day after we have already exchanged gifts. Not to mention, instead of hitting the Boxing Day sales, I always end up at my Aunt Shirley’s explaining to my family for the umpteenth time how Turkey is a also a form of meat so, no, it is not okay for vegetarians such as myself to eat.

Having lived in the Stated for several years, I was able to take advantage of many (okay 5) black friday sales. Now that I am back home, though, I thought those blissful, albeit really crowded shopping days were over. Well guess what? Not so! is an online shopping site that lets everyone, including us Canadians, ditch the crazy packed malls and just enjoy the deals.

Now that I have this tidbit of knowledge, it is like I have a whole new element to add to my debt-free holiday shopping scheme! Hmm...maybe that flat screen isn't so far out of reach after all. I will have check out the Best Buy specials!

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