Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blogging for Smorty. And other words that sound made up.

On the seemingly neverending quest to find money for my Christmas budget, I have signed on for a new blog advertising site. This site, called Smorty, seems to be well laid out, fun and, hopefully, will have a million or so opportunities to get paid for blogging.

Okay maybe my expectations of a million paid blogging opportunites are unrealistic but so far I have recieved more than a couple offers to blog for money. Which is good - my little brother has already started making his Christmas list and there is Nintedo Wii is on it...hah! And I thought I had unrealistic expectations.

This is only my second post with Smorty but I am liking it so far. I plan to put the affiliate link up soon so if any of you are planning to sign up for some new opportunites to get paid for blogging or even opportunites to advertise on blogs, show me some referral love!

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