Monday, June 11, 2007

My Boyfriend Cut His Finger Doing Laundry.

Way back..waaaaay back I mentioned that my boyfriend cut his lip with a plastic spoon. I also tattled about the time he cut his tongue on a stick of gum. Well, he has officially topped himself. Last night my boyfriend cut his finger doing laundry.

He swears that this is not a pathetic ploy to get laundry on the list of chores better left to me but I am not convinced. See, he is still maintaining his innocence regarding poop patrol. In case you all missed that post, when we first brought home our Boston terrier puppy, Stella, my boyfriend threw up when he had to clean up a particularly potent smelling present Stella had kindly left for us. I immedately jumped to the conclusion that my boyfriend was trying to ensure that this nasty chore became the sole duty of me. Even though that was months ago, we still argue the authenticity of his girly reaction to puppy poop patrol.

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